After years of searching for a waterfront house site, we found a lot this fall on Mascoma Lake, very near our current house. This blog will follow the progress of our new timberframe house construction this year. Please enjoy and share our excitement. You can click on any picture for a larger view.
Debby and Jack

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November progress

The first few pictures show some new trees planted to screen the house. Very exciting to see some trees. They are at top of our driveway and along the north side of drive. The masons finished the front porch piers this week except for the granite caps to be placed) and are now working on the piers under the back porch. The picture looking up the driveway shows where the water runoff collects, so we are going to build a small pond there. The picture of the back yard shows the excavation being done to finish the leach field and add a rain garden to collect runnoff water (stones under mulch in circular area close to lake).

The next 5 pictures are indoors. Fireplace is finished (except for hearth stone to be cut) and the plastering is all done. The hardwood floor is in and ready for sanding. In the basement (3rd pic) the trim and doors are almost done. The 4th pic shows the geothermal heating/cooling units, which are now operational pumping water out of one high flow well (we hit 50-80 gallons of water per minute at 150 ft) and pumping back into a second well. The last picture shows the neat plumbing of the 2 well systems, with variable speed pumps, one for geothermal, one for domestic water. Since they are variable speed, only a very small (stainless steel) holding tank is required, instead of the large ones usually associated with wells, and the variable speed pumps are much more energy efficient.

Lots of progress still needed before our move in by Jan 15!

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